2023-2024 - Season 50

Season 50 Cast Photos

Addams Family

Addams Family cast front row from left to right: Tiphaine Polak (Grandma), Carrie Emberton (Morticia), Lillian Castro (Pugsley), back row left to right:  Mark Payton (Lurch), Lucas Foster (Gomez), Ella Emberton (Wednesday), Aaron Emberton (Fester).

Our Town

Our Town cast from left to right: Richard Reif (Constable Warren), Dennis Tibbits (Stage Manager), Mike Gmurek (Mr. Carter), Coty Thompson (Simon Stimson), Connie Herrin (Mrs. Soames), Brian Cowlishaw (Dr. Gibbs), Bridget Cowlishaw (Mrs. Gibbs), Kyle Vareberg (Geogre Gibbs), Jenisi Reif (Rebecca Gibbs/Joe Crowell), Alaina Spencer (Emily Webb), Misty Zimbelman (Mrs. Webb), Brian Duke (Mr. Webb), Joe Weaqvel (Howie Newsome), Scott Lawrence (Joe Stoddard), not pictured Andy Crouch (Wally Webb/Si Crowell), Tiphanie Hudgeons (Samantha Craig).

And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None cast from left to right (seated): Kyle Vareburg (Phillip Lombard), Malic Zimbelman (Henrietta Blore), Erika Lloyd (Emily Brent), Dennis Tibbits (General Mackenzie), Joe Weavel (Fred Narracott).

And Then There Were None cast from left to right (stqnding): Mason Walters (Vera Claythorne), Brian Duke (Sir Lawrence Wargrave), Tiphanie Hudgeons (Mrs. Rogers), Mike Phillips (Dr. Armstrong).


Harvey cast from left to right (seated): Maegan Baker (Myrtle Mae), Bridget Cowlishaw (Veta Simmons), Mike Phillips (Elwood P. Dowd), and Joe Weavel (Wilson).

Harvey cast from left to right (standing): Bryn Smith (Mrs. Chauvenet), Dennis Tibbits (Cab Driver), Brian Duke (Judge Gaffney), Noah Barnes (Dr, Sanderson), Craig Clifford (Dr. Chumley), Diana Gordineer (Nurse Kelly), and Connie Herrin (Betty Chumley).