This fanciful and poignant play explores the power of dreams and the magical creatures that create them. An eager new dream-giver known only as Littlest One struggles to heal the hearts of an abused young boy, his grieving caregiver, and his estranged mother before the haunting memories each of them carries become more than they can bear. But are the dreams Littlest One weaves strong enough to fortify and protect the fragile humans in her care? Commissioned by Oregon Children’s Theatre and First Stage Children’s Theater.
Show Time:
April 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16 are Show and Dinner.
April 17, is show only.
Littlest One – Jaya Cochran
Jo/Trooper – Malic Zimbelman
Fastidious – Misty Zimbelman
Thin Elderly – Mike Phillips
Young Woman – Valerie Reynaga
The Woman – Susan LaVictoire
Most Ancient – Steve LutonDowager – Bryn Smith
Director/Sound Design – Criss Pearson
Costume Design – Linda Good
Hair/Makeup – Cherokee Lowe
Set Design – Craig Clifford
Lighting Design – David VanDonkelaar
Videographer – Joe Hurst