Tahlequah Community Playhouse, Inc. to present “Quilters”
Tahlequah Community Playhouse, Inc. begins the 49th season with the musical “Quilters”, by Molly Newman, Barbara Damasek, directed by Bryn Smith and Paul Reif, September 16-18 and 23-25, 2022. The musical is about the lives of American pioneer women based on the book “Quilters: Women and Domestic Art” by Patricia Cooper and Norma Bradley Allen. The Friday and Saturday performances begin with dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by the play at 7:30 p.m. Dinner on Sunday begins at 1:00 p.m. with the play beginning at 2:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at Beautiquey and the Beast boutique, Morris-Cragar florist or online at tcp.tickets@gmail.com. Tickets are $35 for dinner and the show and $15 for show only tickets. Show only tickets may also be purchased at the door. Reservations for dinner must be made by the Wednesday prior to the show you want to attend. For special dietary needs and seating arrangements call the box office at 539-234-9444. All performances are held at the Tahlequah Armory Municipal Center, 100 North Water Ave., Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Season tickets are still available. TCP is a member of the American Association of Community Theaters and the Oklahoma Community Theatre Association. TCP meets the last Tuesday of the month at St, Basil Episcopal Church, 814 North Vinita Ave. Visit the web site at www.tcpok.com. Follow us on Face book.